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Trust Registration

Smartcorp facilitates Trust registration, assisting organizations dedicated to various causes or community welfare. Trusts typically aim to address poverty, offer education to the underserved, and provide medical assistance to the public.

A trust divides property ownership into legal and beneficial ownership. The trustee holds the property for the owner's benefit, with the beneficiary being the equitable owner. The person establishing the trust is called the settler.

Trust registration online is widespread, with Charitable and Religious trusts being common examples. Governed by state-specific acts, these trusts serve public, religious, or charitable purposes. The Income Tax Act extends benefits and exemptions to the trust's total income, whether it's a public or private trust.

The difference between trusts lies in the beneficiaries and their characteristics. Trusts with online Trust registration for the general public encompass a broader spectrum, targeting a specific section, community, or group sharing common features rather than individual determination.

Documents Required for Trust registration

To register a trust, you'll need:

  • Trustee Details: Name, Occupation, Address, Age, Father's Name, Designation.
  • Trustee Contact Information: Mobile Number, Email Address, Two Photographs.
  • Address Proof for Trustee and Settler: Documents like Electricity Bills or House Tax Receipts.
  • Property Ownership Proof: Documentation validating ownership.
  • If Rented Property: Notarized Rent Deed, Rent Receipt, NOC from Landlord on Stamp Paper.
  • Landlord Details: Name, Father's Name, Residence Address.
  • Settler's Presence and Original ID during Registration.
  • Two Witnesses with ID Proof for Registration.

Parties Involved in Trust Formatione

  • Online Trust registration lessens liability, especially for corporate trusts.
  • Assets gain strong protection and security within Trust registration.
  • Allows flexible distribution of assets and income.
  • Trusts prioritize client benefits due to their fiduciary relationship.
  • Ideal for individuals engaged in charitable activities.