SSI/MSME Registration in Tirupur
SSI/MSME Registration in Tirupur is mainly focusing for the various types of small scale industries. SSI is short form of Small Scale Industries. It manufactures and produces goods in a small scale. Mostly these kind of SSI give one time investment and the profit will not exceed One crore.
Most of the entrepreneurs are looking for such licenses by which their business will be recognized by the Government. Therefore SSI/MSME are the best option for industries.MSME- Micro Small and Medium Enterprise. Now MSME are defined“annual turnover instead of investment in plant machinery”.
SSI came effectively to India in the year 1947. SSI has less manpower.
MSME Act is effectively came in the year 2006. MSME is classified into two categories:
Manufacturing Enterprise- This is engaged in Manufacture of production under According to Development and Regulation Act 1951 and Service Enterprise-This is service rendered.

SSI/MSME Registration in Tirupur
SSI registration in Tirupur is provided by Ministry of MSME. It should be registered in order to have number of schemes, subsidies and incentives provided by the Government and also the MSME can be registered to take benefits additionally.
Secondly,Copy of partnership deed, copy of MOA is in need
Copy of Industrial license from Government
Finally, An affidavit of Rs.10 and non- judicial stamp paper attested by Notary public and additionally a purchase bill of machinery installed.
Additionally,Photo copy of valid consent letter from pollution control committee.

Initial process is to create permanent employment opportunities at relatively small costs
In addition to meet major part of the increased demands.
Similarly, to ensure more equitable distribution.
In addition to reduce regional imbalances
To attain self reliance
Finally to improve standard lifestyle
Udhyog Aadhaar in SSI/MSME
Udhyog is Government registration can be obtain with recognition certificate 12 digit unique number to certify SSI/MSME.
It is a new system that replaces old SSI/MSME registration in Tirupur.
Features of using Udyog Aadhar
Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) filing can be done with self declaration and also with details of enterprise.
However, it seeks for basic requirement of filing such as Aadhar number, Industry name, Bank Address details.
However, in SSI/MSME registration in Tirupur it is possible to file more than one Udyog Aadhar

List of Features
Collateral fee loans are provided additionally
Similarly, Octroy benefits is allowable
Claiming charges is applicable
Finally ,rate of interest from banks reduced

Additional features
In addition there is a Concession in Electricity bill
Excise and Direct tax exemption
Bank mortgages
Documents required for SSI/MSME registration in Tirupur
Firstly,Name and Aadhar number for business owner
Secondly,Document proof of SC,ST, OBC
Thirdly,Name of your enterprise
Previous registration details of enterprise
National Industrial Classification code
Additional documents:
Total number of employees
Firm type and its current activities
Email Id and phone number
finally, PAN number is mandatory
How to apply Udyog online in SSI/MSME Registration in Tirupur
Firstly ,Go to official website of Udyog Aadhar Registration

Secondly, you have to enter 12 digit Aadhar number and you will receive One Time Password.
Thirdly,After that select category SC, ST, OBC
After that, In addition to that fill details about enterprise or entity.

Further,Filling correspondence details with district,pin code and state.
Then Carry forward info .You have to select date on which the enterprise began.
Finally,you have to fill the bank details like IFSC and also Bank name
Additional steps involved in Udyog online
Initially there is a need of Classification of enterprise
Then you have to mention whether service or manufacture
Total investment must be listed.
You have to mention total number of employees present in a company and the amount in lakhs invested.

Additional Details to be filed
Select district Industry center
At last you will get acknowledgement number. The SSI/MSME registration in Tirupur ensures the above details were furnished.
Mainly the idea of Udyog Aadhaar is simplified process of registration which paves way for various Central/State Government schemes.
Is there any need to maintain records?
Yes. There is need to maintain records. Because any SSI entity that fails to follow regulations by government will be deregistered.
Moreover in case if you exceed investment limit your registration firm will be deregistered. The SSI/MSME registration in Tirupur should educate about this to the concerns.
MSME compliance
GST registered MSME can get 2 percentage interest subvention it is an additional advantage from Government for incremental loan for Rs.one crore under MSME.
Udyami Mitra
Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI) has launched a portal to improve accessibility of credit and hand holding services to Micro Small and Medium Enterprise.
Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum
It is one page registration in which MSME self certifies it’s existence, bank account details.
Once form is submitted an acknowledgement Form containing UAN of applicant sent through mail.
Since it is self-declaration form no supporting documents are in need.
Who should obtain SSI/MSME Registration in Tirupur?
Udyog Aadhar Registration is applicable for Proprietorship, Hindu Undivided Family, One person company, Partnership, Public and private limited, LLP registration, Cooperative societies.
Benifits given by central and state government
Further, MSME or SSI registration helps to tally and maintain a roll of the small industries to which package of incentive and support is targeted.
There is sales tax exemption in most states and purchase preference on goods produced.
Similarly,you must provide a certificate that enables the units to avail of statuary benefits.
Serve purpose of collection of statics.
Altogether MSME or SSI helps to grow our country economically or socially. By this people have an opportunity to grow and contribute to social progress of the country effectively.We ,Smartcorp provide all type of company registration,logo,patent registrations at a reasonable cost .