All about the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
This blog describes you about the Food safety and standards and how to obtain FSSAI license in a hassle-free manner.

Chiefly, the food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI) is responsible about the protecting and encouraging public health through regulation and guidance of food safety. It is purely an independent body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI was established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
Moreover, FSSAI helps to regulate and it also supervises the functioning of the
food businesses in India. It is mandatory for all the food business operators,
distributors, retailers and the storage houses to get FSSAI License. FSSAI is
located in major 5 regions like:
- Northern regions, With head office located at New Delhi
- Eastern regions
- North-Eastern region
- Western regions
- Southern regions
Food safety and standards act, 2006
Consequently, an Act to
- FSSAI unite the laws relating to food and
- In addition, this act establishes the ‘Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’
- This act Lays down science based standards for articles of food and
- It also regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
This Act dominated all other food related laws like Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, Food Products Order, Milk and Milk Products Order, Solvent Extracted Oil, De- Oiled Meal and Edible Flour Order, 1967 etc.
Process to get Food license

In essence, FSSAI has introduced an online application called Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS). FLRS provides the option for checking the eligibility for the license and applying through online. In addition, it sends automated alerts to the applicants via SMS or email so that the FSSAI registration and license can be renewed on time.
To apply for food license who should follow these steps:
– First go to ‘http: //foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in’ website and check your eligibility criteria for registration or state/central license.
– Fill the sign up form under selected criteria and activate your account.
– Now sign-in to your account and start filling the application form. Make sure have all the documents required for the selected criteria.
– Submit and take a print out of your application. A reference number will be shared with you which will help in tracking the status of your application.
After receiving the application, the authorities will examine and carry out an inspection. If the inspector gets satisfied, he/she will forward the report and the FSSAI license will be issued by the concerned authority. This may take up to 60 days.
How to verify the FSSAI License Number Online?

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has introduced about more number of reforms towards ensuring hygienic and healthy foods to the consumer. Recently, some of the modifications was implemented in such way that food safety audit conducted in food manufacturing and restaurant premises across India, and the regular inspection of FSSAI registration and FSSAI license among the food business operations in India.
All the food businesses operator must obtain a food license or FSSAI registration through online before commencing their food business. The FSSAI number has to be mentioned compulsory in the product and within the premises. An FSSAI License is valid up to next 5 years, one has to renew the FSSAI License by providing necessary documents after 5 years.
FSSAI license number
Basically, there are different kinds of FSSAI registration number based on the scale of the food business operation.
- The 14-digits of an FSSAI license number are divided into 5 groups.
- Each groups represents the information regarding to the type of the food business operator, compared to others.
- The FSSAI authority identifies the category of food business operator.
About 5 different groups of the FSSAI registration number
- 1st digit represents whether the business is having FSSAI registration or FSSAI license. In case of FSSAI registration, 1st digit will be ‘1’, while in case of FSSAI license, 1st digit will be ‘2’.
- 2nd and 3rd digit describes the FSSAI License state code. Central FSSAI license is represented by ‘00’, while State licenses are shown by successive digits.
- 4th and 5th digits show the year when the business got the FSSAI registration.
- 6th, 7th and 8th digits indicates the Registrar Officer under whose influence the FSSAI License falls. So, each state will assign these digits from 001 to 999 as Registrar Officers.
- 9th to 14th digits show the number of the food business operator, who is under a specific Registrar Officer. Each Registrar Officer can hold up to 10 lakh food businesses or serial numbers up to999999.
When FSSAI License has to renew?
As per the regulations, FSSAI license is valid for a period of 1 to 5 years from the date of issue of registration as specified by the authority. The initial validity or the term of registration will be varying from 1 to 5 years as chosen by the food business operators themselves.
Since, the primary registration given to every food business operator is limited only to a number of years. Every food business operator is required to renew their FSSAI registration before its expiry in order to continue receiving the benefits of such license.
The application for the renewal of registration must be made at least 30 days prior to the date of expiry mentioned in the current food license. Any renewal application is filed beyond the mentioned date, then the applicant should pay a fine of about Rs.100/- per day of delay. Moreover, if a food business operator misses to renew the FSSAI license, then the operator should apply freshly for the FSSAI license.
Procedure for Renewal of FSSAI License

- The first and foremost step in the renewal of FSSAI license is to file Form A, in case of basic FSSAI registration or Form B in case of central or state FSSAI license with the signatures of the authorized signatory. These are the basic forms which contains business activities of the food operator which are required to be filled along with the self-attested declaration. Besides, identity proofs such as Aadhaar Card, Driving License or Voter Identity Card is also necessary.
- The application for renewal should go with an audit report or Food Safety Management System Plan, or Certificates regarding food safety management system has to be filed.
- Form IX i.e. form of nomination of persons by the company has to be filed in the prescribed format.
- After receiving the application for FSSAI renewal along with all the necessary documents, the authorities will then examine the application and if necessary, could also arrange for an inspection at the premises.
- After successful inspection by the authorities, if they are satisfied, then they issue a license in favour of the food business operator.
- It takes not more than 60 days for the food license to reach the food business operator. If more than 60 days have passed and the food business operator has not received the license, then it can resume its business without waiting for any further notice.
Documents required for FSSAI registration

- Application Form-B duly completed and signed by the proprietor.
- Layout of the processing unit.
- List of directors along with their address and contact details.
- List of machinery along with the installed capacity.
- ID proofs and address proof issued by the Government authority.
- List of food manufactured.
- Name of the responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with the alternative responsible person along with the authority letter.
- Analysis report of the water which is used as an ingredient in the food product, through a Government recognized laboratory on food testing.
- Partnership Deed and articles of association consulting the constitution of the firm.
- A copy of certificate obtained under the Co-operative acts
- No Objection Certificate issued by the manufacturer in case of re-labellers.
- Source of milk and milk products processing units.
- Details on the source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants.
- Pesticide residues report of water in case of a manufacturer of packaged drinking water, mineral Water, carbonated water from a govt. recognized lab.
- No Objection Certificates from local body or the municipality and from the State Pollution Control Board except in case the unit is established in the notified industrial area for a particular food business (Optional).
Getting a license should be your top priority when opening or running food business. Hope this helps in making the process a bit easier for you.
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